Our Curriculum – Pumpkin Readiness Educational Program (P.R.E.P)
Embark on a journey filled with adventure, fun and new discoveries around every corner! The curriculum at Pumpkin Patch is designed to help your little one learn vital cognitive and life skills as they grow, interact with and explore the world around them. Safety is our first priority, and children are carefully supervised by our professionally trained educators and staff. Each activity is carefully selected for age-appropriate skill development in a wide range of areas, including: language, math, reading, group projects, hygiene, manners, socio-dramatic play, diversity and much more.

We have lots of exciting, engaging activities for your little one to enjoy! Each day we’ll explore new concepts and ideas that help teach your baby active motor skills while encouraging them to make connections and imitate actions. We progress throughout the day by listening to selections of classical music, singing songs, learning about ourselves and recognizing our family members. We’ll take breaks at regular intervals for feeding, changing and hygiene as well as nap time. Together, we’ll also work on developing language skills by introducing words and sounds, and creating new sensory experiences with fun sights, sounds, tastes and smells.

1 Year Olds
One year old children are actively involved in exploring the world around them, and Pumpkin Patch makes it fun and exciting! Each day starts with a story then progresses through one-on-one play and development, snack time, and carefully-monitored independent activities. Songs are sung together to encourage transitions. Together, we’ll make exciting new discoveries, get involved in hands-on activities, and have fun while we learn. The P.R.E.P. Curriculum involves sensory, language development, dramatic play, recognizing the faces of our family and friends, and much more! We’ll also talk about ourselves and what makes us special, while learning about others and how we’re all unique.
2 Year Olds
The P.R.E.P. program for two year olds includes an engaging story time plus plenty of interactive play and activities. Supervised freedom to explore and discover is also a part of every day. We learn basic group games while focusing on fine motor skills like running, hopping, skipping and jumping. Your child will start working with puzzles, stackable blocks and other math manipulatives while creating works of art that celebrate what makes them special!

3 Year Olds
Three year old children continue learning and growing through our exclusive P.R.E.P. program. Your child develops self-awareness, makes friends, learns the value of creative expression and much more. Activities in the P.R.E.P. program further refine motor skills with song, dance and rhythm. We sing songs, celebrate the changing of seasons and special holidays. Kids get involved with safe, scientific experiments that help foster excitement about learning new things. Language and math skills are developed through highly-recommended phonics and math programs.
4 Year Olds
Four year olds are actively aware of their world and enjoy learning. For this age group, our curriculum is created to help give them a safe, comfortable and rewarding transition to school and a recognizable routine. We work with the award-winning Frontline Phonics program to teach reading and Singapore Math to introduce vital math concepts. We actively involve children in different learning centers so that every skill is accentuated and built upon. Whether it’s reading books, learning about weights and measures, or dabbling in creative art, there numerous fun, engaging lessons to be enjoyed. We work on keeping kids active too with playground play, creative movement as well as throwing and catching a ball. As always, parents stay involved every step of the way with helpful P.R.E.P. updates from Pumpkin Patch to keep them informed of their child’s progress.

School Age Programs
The Pumpkin Patch offers before and after school programs for students as they transition to and from school. Before school, each child is gently guided into the learning centers where they begin fun, interactive activities in preparation for an exciting day ahead. Children are picked up by bus to their respective school or are driven by professional Pumpkin Patch van drivers. After school, kids get a chance to unwind with unique team-building activities, educational games, outdoor experiences, arts and crafts. These creative outlets involve your child in a wide range of interests so that they’re ready to end the day on a positive note.