Center Security
Your child’s security is vitally important to us. That is why we’ve taken numerous careful measures to protect and safeguard them, including:
- Security and fire alarms at all centers
- Access codes needed to enter all buildings
- Indoor and outdoor cameras at all centers
Beyond building security, we take ample steps to protect your child during their time with us. From the moment they arrive until they return to you, we do our utmost to ensure that they can learn and thrive in a comfortable, safe environment.
Keeping your child safe is our first priority. We have taken a number of steps to help safeguard them as they travel to and from the Pumpkin Patch, as well as during play and activities. These measures include:
- Professionally trained van drivers
- Van driver ensures that each child is buckled in and properly secured.
- Each teacher has worked or has received certification in early childhood education, child development or a related field.
- Each staff member is certified in CPR and First Aid and trained in Medication Administration.
Alternate Pickup
When an adult other than the parent, guardian or regular caregiver of a child is to pick up the child from Pumpkin Patch, an Alternate Pickup Permission Slip must be filled out. This is for your child’s safety and protection.
The following procedures are put in place to insure that children are only picked up by those authorized to do so:
- A photo ID must be shown
- Photo ID will be compared with the information given by the parent or guardian
- Teacher/Director must sign to confirm ID
- Alternate must sign child out
- Teacher/Director escorts Alternate and child to front door
Nut Allergies
Because children have developed allergies to nuts of all kinds with more severe reactions, all Pumpkin Patch Preschool and Child Care Centers are nut- and peanut butter-free.
Feeding and Nutrition
- All perishable food is refrigerated
- Food preparation areas are separate from children’s play areas and infant diaper-changing areas to maintain high sanitary standards.
- Our menus are carefully planned to include healthy snacks.
- Breastfeeding mothers are welcome at our facility and we have procedures in place to separate breast milk and formula
Playground/Outdoor Supervision
- Professionally trained staff
- Daily inspection of playground, equipment and toys
- Maintenance of 8” of mulch under “fall” areas on a daily basis
- Attendance before & after entering & exiting playground/center
- Staff positioning to assure proper supervision
- First Aid Kit, phone, water available outside
- Proper staff to student ratios at all times
Indoor Supervision
- Professionally trained staff
- Daily inspection of entire facility, all equipment and toys
- Attendance upon entering & exiting classroom
- Proper staff to student ratios at all times
- Room awareness of staff so that all children are visible at all times
Medication Administration
- All staff professionally trained in CPR/First Aid and medication administration
- Physician and parent signed permission form for each medication
- Permission form located with medication
- All medications locked in a secure location, inaccessible to children
- All medications administered under the guidance of our Nurse consultant on staff
- All medication orders reviewed monthly by Nurse consultant on staff
- Individual care plan and medication log for all children
Staff Qualifications
- All staff undergo thorough criminal and background checks to ensure that only qualified caregivers are chosen to care for your child.
- Each staff member has worked or has received certification in early childhood education, child development or a related field.
- Each staff member is fully versed in CPR and first aid
Emergency Preparedness
- We have policies and procedures in place for dealing with fires, snowstorms, floods and other natural disasters.