Two Year Olds
Your two year old is growing up quickly, which means new experiences, new friends and new skills. The child care professionals at Pumpkin Patch will help your child learn and grow through a wide range of exciting, hands-on activities. Activities offered include basic shapes and color identification, storytelling, sharing and listening, expressing emotions appropriately and much more.
At this age self-expression begins to develop, a process Pumpkin Patch encourages through the use of role-play, props, music, art and group activities. Each of these core foundations helps your child’s creativity and confidence grow. The children learn basic routines, simple directions and other skills which help them begin to explore the world around them.

Large, easily-graspable toys, blocks and basic shapes are provided along with fun exploration of letters and numbers. Art, music and dance are also part of the curriculum, and children at this age enjoy learning about the world around them through science, crafts, plays and much more.
2-Year-Olds start to develop a general curiosity. At Pumpkin Patch, we applaud and encourage this behavior and give children numerous ways to learn through doing, while providing careful supervision and plenty of skill and confidence-building reassurance. Cheerful, recognizable colors, a child-friendly environment and a fun-filled atmosphere make daily life engaging and exciting.

Your child’s language and cognitive abilities are blossoming now, which makes for the perfect opportunity to keep learning, growing and playing. Your two-year-old will benefit from a safe, secure and comforting environment while they continue on the Pumpkin Readiness Educational Program, or P.R.E.P. This exclusive program is designed to help foster crucial educational milestones such as language, math and cognitive development, while keeping parents informed every step of the way.
We’ll also move beyond the classroom to encourage fitness and motor skills such as eye-hand coordination. Using age-appropriate playground equipment, children will run, climb, jump and tap into their seemingly boundless energy!
Great care will be taken to smoothly transition your little one from the two year olds classroom to Pre-K 3 at a time when both parents, teachers and caregivers have determined they’re ready to move forward. This is an event to be proud of, and every step is taken to ensure that your child will look forward to moving up with excitement and eagerness!

The P.R.E.P. program for two year olds includes an engaging story time plus plenty of interactive play and activities. Supervised freedom to explore and discover is also a part of every day. We learn basic group games while focusing on fine motor skills like running, hopping, skipping and jumping. Your child will start working with puzzles, stackable blocks and other math manipulatives while creating works of art that celebrate what makes them special!